Ethical Risk and Governance Analysis of Medical Robots: Based on the 'Doctor-Patient-Robot' Analytical Framework
摘要: 基于“医−患−机”分析框架,医疗机器人的不断发展面临主体资质复杂、责任认定困难等责任伦理风险,医患关系重构、医患信任危机等医患伦理风险,数据质量与数据隐私等数据伦理风险,算法安全与算法偏见等算法伦理风险以及医疗资源分配正义风险。医疗机器人的伦理治理要以医学伦理和机器人伦理准则为依据,建立多元伦理治理体制,推动学术共同体的构建,探索自愿型、调节型与管制型等伦理治理工具的组合运用,加快医疗机器人伦理治理的法治化发展。Abstract: Based on the "doctor-patient-robot" analytical framework, the continuous development of medical robots faces ethical risks related to complex qualifications of subjects, difficulties in accountability, risks in the reconstruction of doctor-patient relationships, trust crises in doctor-patient relationships, data quality, data privacy, algorithm security, algorithm bias, and ethical risks related to the distributive justice of medical resources. The ethical governance of medical robots should be based on principles of medical ethics and robot ethics, establishing a diverse ethical governance system, promoting the construction of academic community, and exploring the combined use of voluntary, regulatory, and control-oriented ethical governance tools, accelerating the legal development of ethical governance for medical robots.
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